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Tyler Jorgenson

Guest post: Tyler Jorgenson

Nothing Changes, People Just Get Cozy
Last week I had the pleasure of visiting with Gary Vaynerchuck, keynote at a Linked OC event at Gothic Moon Studios in Orange. I have heard a lot of speakers over the years but Gary’s unique style of opening up and being completely genuine was remarkable. In about an hour Gary left the audience with priceless gems such as ‘Nothing changes, people just get cozy’. Right after that he talked about how everything changes so context is king here. What Gary was saying is that the continual evolution of business and markets is infinite. Many companies that, at their inception, cause disruptive innovation later settle in and get cozy.

You Get Big, You Get Slow, You Stop Innovating. We used to compare fast reflexes to those of a cat. That saying is outdated ever since Evan Longoria saved the face of an unknowing journalist. If you haven’t seen this yet, prepare to be amazed.

There is a chance that this is a fake video for Gillette and if that is true it makes this blog post even better. Why? Because then Gillette is doing the exact thing that we’re talking about here. Sure, they still do commercials and old fashioned ‘push’ marketing but this little :24 second video has gone viral with, at the time of my writing, nearly four million views on YouTube. Innovation is Happening at a Speed We’ve Never Imagined In the story of the Tortoise and the Hare you used to want to be the tortoise. Slow and steady wins the race, right? These days you need to be both. You need to constantly be evaluating your business strategy, steadily improve upon yesterday’s best and then sprint to the finish line to beat your competition.

A.B.C. – Always Be Changing

A friend of mine recently said, “if you’re not constantly striving to be and know more…then you’ve given up on yourself.” The same is true in business. Don’t reject new ideas just because you think you know it all. A little success can blind you to what lies ahead. Keep innovating and changing and looking for ways to improve.

Tyler’s Bio:

“Tyler Jorgenson is a California based entrepreneur, USC MBA student, family man (and, just once, a reality show contestant). Since the age of 5, and possibly earlier, Tyler has been inventing creative ways to make money. Jorgenson finds great joy in assisting clients and friends reach their goals and achieve greatness. His blogs, radio show and daily communication carry the primary theme that every individual has a spark of greatness within them and a responsibility, to themselves, to live a life of magnitude and significance.”


Business, Sea Doo’s and Sunscreen

Guest post: Tyler Jorgenson Doing business in the OC is different than doing business anywhere else in the world. A few weeks ago I had a business meeting that reminded me of just how great it is to do business in this wonderful part of the world and more than that I was reminded of [...]

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