You are invited inside the velvet rope to be part of a very special community of business professionals….

Linked Orange County is about: Connecting. Business. People.

Our mission is to be a hub for thought leadership, entrepreneurs, small businesses and start-ups with emphasis on helping our members prosper and contributing to the growth of the Orange County economy.

We are a leading business community network connecting the disconnected to create value among our members and in the community.

Our main purpose is:

* Connecting buyers & sellers
* Connecting information seekers with information.
* Connecting teams, collaborators and innovators to each other.
* Connecting those with similar business goals.
* Connecting job hunters with jobs.
* Connecting organizations spending money with ways to save money.
* Connecting like-minded, passionate people into a movement.

While there is strength in numbers, we don’t measure value by how many members we have. We’re not keeping score of our popularity or adding hundreds of new ‘friends’ we may never know.

We’re interested in people who understand that the real value of networking is when it translates into meaningful relationships of trust. Where members help each other, form a community and prosper. A place where innovation, creativity and collaboration thrive. And self-promotion takes a back seat to generosity.

Our members represent the major industries in Orange County including: Consumer electronics, Automotive, Motorsports, Software & Technology, Food & beverage, Retail, Fashion & Action Sports Apparel, Pro Sports, Entertainment & Music, Recruiting & Staffing and more.

If you live, work or have interest in doing business in Orange County you’re invited to join us.

I look forward to connecting!

Bryan Elliott

Tel. 714 318-6086


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